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Placing the speaker

For best results, follow these guidelines when placing the speakers.

Speaker array:

  • Place the speaker array in front of your TV with the speaker grille facing into the room
  • Make sure the array is at the front edge of its shelf or other surface. If the speaker is positioned farther back on a shelf or in an enclosed space, sound quality is reduced
  • The speaker is magnetically shielded, so you can place it close to your TV monitor

Acoustimass® module:

  • Place the Acoustimass module at the same end of the room as the TV and speaker array
  • Keep the port and ventilation openings free and uncovered
  • The Acoustimass module is not shielded, so it should be at least 18 to 24 inches from a monitor

Note: Only CRT-style TVs are affected. This includes tube-style TVs and rear projections with CRTs